Sunday, July 13, 2014

Beaver's Tree

After listening to her students recite a poem Ms. Lander's tells them that they memorized the words but didn't understand the meaning. I feel like God, our teacher, must look down on all us humans and shake His head saying "yes, those are the words I want to hear but you aren't even trying to comprehend their incredible importance." The words of the Bible and the words we pray are similar to a poem in that they aren't meant to just be read and said but treasured and felt.

Larry remarks to Beaver that "every time you dig a hole there's never enough dirt to fill it back up with." This is kind of metaphorical because in life, when we dig holes for ourselves, we can never manage to find enough stuff to fill them up with. Unless we allow God to fill our gaps and deficiencies, we'll always be pockmarked and rough and empty.


This blog will be full of posts based on quotes from one of my favorite old shows, Leave it to Beaver. It's main purpose is to catalogue my thoughts in case I ever need them but hopefully if anyone who reads it (which obviously you are since you're reading this) they'll enjoy it! :)